
Appendix B

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Primary Leadership Dimension Global Leadership Dimension Leadership Survey Items
Visionary (Survey A) Charismatic Clearly articulates his/her vision of the future
Anticipates possible future events
Makes plans and takes actions based on future goals
Inspires others to be motivated to work hard
Smart, learns and understands easily
Has a clear understanding of where we are going
Visionary (Survey B) Charismatic Anticipates and prepares in advance
Has a vision and imagination of the future
Has a clear sense of where he/she wants this organization to be in 5 years
Inspirational (Survey A) Charismatic Highly involved, energetic, enthused, motivated
Gives courage, confidence, or hope through reassuring and advising
Demonstrates and imparts strong positive emotions for work
Increases morale of subordinates by offering encouragement, praise, and/or by being confident
Inspirational (Survey B) Charismatic Mobilizes and activates followers
Emphasizes the importance of being committed to our values and beliefs
Is generally optimistic and confident
Primary Leadership Dimension Global Leadership Dimension Leadership Survey Items
Self-Sacrificial (Survey A) Charismatic Foregoes self-interests and makes personal sacrifices in the interest of a goal or vision
Can be trusted to serve the interests of his/her subordinates rather than him/herself
Self-Sacrificial (Survey B) Charismatic Views obstacles as challenges rather than threats
Is usually able to persuade others of his/her viewpoint
Integrity (Survey A) Charismatic Talks to subordinates about his/her important values and beliefs
Emphasizes the importance of having a strong sense of purpose
Can be relied on to meet obligations
Speaks and acts truthfully
Acts according to what is right or fair
Integrity (Survey B) Charismatic Means what he/she says
Deserves trust, can be believed and relied upon to keep his/her word
Builds trust with subordinates
Makes sure that his/her actions are always ethical
Decisive (Survey A) Charismatic Makes decisions firmly and quickly
Has good intuition, insightful
Applies logic when thinking
Performance oriented (Survey A) Charismatic Sets high goals; works hard
Seeks continuous performance improvement
Sets goals for my performance
Primary Leadership Dimension Global Leadership Dimension Leadership Survey Items
Performance oriented (Survey B) Charismatic Strives for excellence in performance of self and subordinates
Sets high performance standards
Communicates his/her performance expectations for group members
Insists on only the best performance
Collaborative team orientation (Survey A) Team Oriented Tends to be a good friend of subordinates
Concerned with the welfare of the group
Stays with and supports friends even when they have substantial problems or difficulties
Intervenes to solve conflicts between individuals
Team integrator (Survey A) Team Oriented Easily understood
Communicates with others frequently
Integrates and manages work of subordinates
Knowledgeable, is aware of information
Integrates people or things into cohesive, working whole
Team integrator (Survey B) Team Oriented Works at getting members to work together
Explains what is expected of each member of the group
Is open in his/her communication with subordinates
Diplomatic (Survey A) Team Oriented Skilled at interpersonal relations
Is able to negotiate effectively, able to make transactions with others on favorable terms
Diplomatic (Survey B) Team Oriented Able to identify solutions which satisfy individuals with diverse and conflicting interests
Interested in temporal events, has a world outlook
Is able to maintain good relationships with others
Primary Leadership Dimension Global Leadership Dimension Leadership Survey Items
Malevolent (Survey A) Team Oriented Tends to believe the worst about people and events
Is sly, deceitful, full of guile
Is not sincere, fraudulent
Is actively unfriendly, acts negatively toward others
Malevolent (Survey B) Team Oriented Is punitive; has no pity or compassion
Is vengeful; seeks revenge when wronged
Pursues own best interests at the expense of others
Administratively competent (Survey A) Team Oriented Is able to plan, organize, coordinate, and control work of
large numbers (over 30) of individuals
Explains the rules and procedures group members are expected to follow
Has the ability to manage complex office work and administrative systems
Administratively competent (Survey B) Team Oriented Well-organized, methodical, orderly
Is organized and methodological in work
Clarifies priorities
Participative (Survey B) Participative Gives subordinates a high degree of discretion to perform
their work
Shares critical information with subordinates
Allows subordinates to have influence on critical decisions
Seeks advice concerning organizational strategy from
Will reconsider decisions on the basis of recommendations
by those who report to him/her
Primary Leadership Dimension Global Leadership Dimension Leadership Survey Items
Autocratic (Survey A) Participative Makes decisions in dictatorial way
Is overbearing
Forces his/her values and opinions on others
Is inclined to dominate others
Tells subordinates what to do in a commanding way
Is an extremely close supervisor; one who insists on
making all decisions
Autocratic (Survey B) Participative Is in charge and does not tolerate disagreement or questioning; gives orders
Acts like a tyrant or despot; imperious
Does not allow others to participate in decision making
Expects unquestioning obedience of those who report to
Modesty (Survey A) Humane Oriented Not easily distressed
Does not boast, presents self in a humble manner
Given to being moody; easily agitated (Reverse Coded)
Modesty (Survey B) Humane Oriented Has and shows patience
Is modest
Humane Orientation (Survey A) Humane Oriented Has empathy for others, inclined to be helpful or show mercy
Willing to give time, money, resources, and help to others
Humane Orientation (Survey B) Humane Oriented Is aware of slight changes in others’ moods
Sees that the interests of subordinates are given due consideration
Looks out for my personal welfare
Primary Leadership Dimension Global Leadership Dimension Leadership Survey Items
Autonomous (Survey A) Autonomous Acts independently, does not rely on others
Does not rely on others; self-governing
Autonomous (Survey B) Autonomous Is individually oriented; places high value on preserving individual rather than group needs
Self-Centered (Survey A) Self-Protective Avoids people or groups, prefers own company
Aloof, stands off from others, difficult to become friends with
Self-absorbed, thoughts focus mostly on one’s self
Is a loner, tends to work and act separately from others
Status conscious (Survey A) Self-Protective Is conscious of class and status boundaries and acts accordingly
Believes that a small number of people with similar backgrounds are superior and should enjoy privileges
Status conscious (Survey B) Self-Protective Aware of others’ socially accepted status
Believes that all individuals are not equal and only some should have equal rights and privileges
Does not show favoritism toward an individual or group of individuals
Internally competitive (Survey B) Self-Protective Holds me accountable for work over which I have no control
Stimulates unrest
Tends to conceal information from others
Does not criticize subordinates without good reason (Reverse Coded)
Is unwilling to work jointly with others
Primary Leadership Dimension Global Leadership Dimension Leadership Survey Items
Face-Saver (Survey A) Self-Protective Refrains from making negative comments to maintain good relationships and save face
Avoids disputes with members of his/her group
Avoids saying no to impracticable requests
Face-Saver (Survey B) Self-Protective Ensures that subordinates are not embarrassed or shamed
(Survey A)
Self-Protective Administers rewards in a fair manner
Uses a common standard to evaluate all who report to him/her
Acts in accordance with rules, convention, and ceremonies
Bureaucratic (Survey B) Self-Protective Follows established rules and guidelines
Tends to behave according to established norms, policies, and procedures
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