Strategic Leadership Across Cultures

... House's GLOBE study is a must-read for practitioners, educators, and students of intercultural communication, global leadership, cross-cultural leadership, and international business.

- Sharon Schweitzer
Strategic Leadership Across Cultures book cover


Below are visualizations showing culture and leadership data collected for Brazil.

Culture Visualization

very low (1)low (2)relatively low (3)medium (4)relatively high (5)high (6)very high (7)Performance orientationAssertivenessFuture orientationHumane orientationInstitutional collectivismIn-group collectivismGender egalitarianismPower DistanceUncertainty avoidanceCultural Practices and Values in BrazilCountry Practice ScoreRange: PracticesCountry Value ScoreRange: ValuesAverage GLOBE Score

Leadership Visualization

Leadership Scores for Outstanding Leadership in Brazilgreatly inhibts (1)somewhat inhibts (2)slightly inhibts (3)has no impact (4)contributes slightly (5)contributes somewhat (6)contributes greatly (7)CharismaticTeam OrientedParticipativeHumane OrientedAutonomousSelf-ProtectiveCountry ScoreRange of ScoresAverage GLOBE Score


The GLOBE books represent results from a twenty-year research program investigating the influence of culture on societal and organizational effectiveness. Our latest book showcases our examination of strategic leadership effectiveness for top-level management based on data from more than 1,000 CEOs and over 6,000 top-level managers in 24 countries.

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